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Jewel Bug Commonly referred to as a Jewel Bug  (Cyphogastra Calepyga) it is not hard to see why. This image is just under 1 gigapixel and was one of the first images that we created from the mosaic method.

Just click on the image above to see a larger version


Gastrophysa Viridula

This little fellow was spotted on a rose in our garden. It is about the size of a really fat grain of rice. Whilst not ultra high resolution its is beautiful creature that we have planned to photograph in more detail.

Just click on the image above to see a larger version



One of many

Just click on the image above to see a larger version


Lycaena Dispar Dispar

This British Species of butterfly became extinct in the 1840s largely due to habitat destruction. This was in the fens that were being drained at the time for agricultural use. Just click on the image above to see a larger version

Just click on the images below to be taken to a zoom-able image that you can see close up. Some of these have been taken over multiple weeks taking hundreds and most of the time thousands of pictures. The Midge was caught in a spider’s web, the Gastrophysa photographed on a rose, the Jewel bug was bought from a sustainable supplier and the Lycaena was part of an auctioned collection at a national auction house.

Zoom-able images